Toto, Toto :
We met in the early days of adolescence, it is first in sport that we collaborated with varying degrees of skill. Fallen athletes but certain friends, it was after our graduating that we decided to join forces again and embark on a project that unites our interests and our values: second-hand clothing.
In a context where so-called "fast fashion" consumption has never been so high, thus increasing violations of human and ecological rights to promote profits, it is time for us to rethink our consumption patterns.
Thrift stores and unique items enthusiasts, envious of our parents' old photos, aware of the environmental impacts involved, we wanted to participate on our scale in this awareness.
A whole era
In addition to the positive ecological aspect of vintage clothing, it is a real generational craze that has been taking hold for a few years: bright colors, striking shapes, large sizes, quality fabrics, disappearing brands ... It's a whole era that can be found through thrift stores and that reappears more and more in our streets today.
Lofi Shop in a few words ?
- • An online thrift store offering authentic clothing that has survived through the ages and is looking for its new owner to go through others.
- • Two friends unearthing unique and quality pieces to bring you back in the mood of the 80s & 90s..
- • An alternative to the textile giants selling only quantity to the detriment of any quality.
- • The possibility to be the most colorful of your friends